Board 2024 - 2025

Board 2024 - 2025

  • afbeelding van Daily Board 2024 - 2025

    Daily Board 2023 - 2024

    Kim Hanegraaf – Chairman

    Ole Roeland – Vicechairman

    Fleur van Horrik – Secretary

    Imke Verstraaten – Treasurer 

    Gert Peeman– PR Commissioner

    Justin Bos – Education Commissioner

  • afbeelding van Chairman


    Kim Hanegraaf

    In my role as Chairman, I carry several responsibilities. First, I lead both General Board and General Members Meetings. In addition, it is essential that I am fully informed about everything concerning Magister JFT. This includes actively maintaining contacts, a crucial aspect of my duties. I maintain contact with various entities, including the Chambers of Magister JFT, the Faculty Board of TLS, the Executive Board of Tilburg University, other associations within and outside of Tilburg, and many more.
    My duties include developing policy and new ideas, optimizing existing processes, and ensuring a positive work environment within the board. Finally, I am also the Chairman of TiGeAk, an umbrella organization that, in cooperation with other associations in Tilburg, represents the interests of all association boards at Tilburg University.

  • afbeelding van Vicechairman
  • afbeelding van Secretary


    Fleur van Horrik

    The Secretary of Magister JFT is the face of the association, both internally and externally. My responsibilities include managing multiple email accounts and overseeing the recruitment process for the central committees of Magister JFT, ensuring that all members find a fitting role within the association. I maintain active communication with students, members, and various stakeholders, including former board members.
    In addition, I coordinate a diverse range of engaging committees, including the Activities Committee, the Ice Committee, and the Almanac Committee. Moreover, I hold the role of Chair within the Application Committee. As part of my commitment to ensuring that our members always have someone to turn to, I also serve as the association's Confidential Contact Person.

    Lastly, I am accountable for various administrative tasks, such as maintaining the membership database, sending out the monthly member newsletter, crafting contributions for the yearbook, and, of course, documenting all significant General Board and Member meetings. It is indeed a challenging role where each day brings new experiences!

  • afbeelding van Treasurer


    Imke Verstraaten

    Hi everyone! My name is Imke, I am 22 years old and I currently am in my Masters Business Law. As Treasurer of Magister JFT, I am responsible for all financial matters within the association. I hold final responsibility for the financial flows within the Departments, Committees, and the Representative Body. An important part of my duties involves drafting the annual budget and financial year reports.

    In addition to financial tasks, I manage the website and publish events on it. Furthermore, I coordinate three committees focused on (Pre-)Master students and the organization of trips, both within and outside of Europe. Additionally, the National Meeting of Law Faculty Associations (LOJFV) takes place twice a year, which I attend together with the Chair.

  • afbeelding van PR Commissioner

    PR Commissioner

    Gert Peeman

    The PR commissioner mainly focusses on promotion and coordinating the mentorship. Next to that I coordinate a few central committees. For instance the First Year committee and the Media and Promotion committee. As a PR commissioner, every day is different and that’s what I really like about my function. One thing that is always the same: Everyday I get the chance to express my creative and social side. For the promotion I manage all the social media accounts and I create content for the central promotion. Next to that I help the Student Party and the Chambers with their promotion. For the mentorship I coordinate all student mentors and work together with the University to give first year students a good start. In short, a very versatile function where you can join very much experience.

  • afbeelding van Education Commissioner
  • afbeelding van Juribes

    General Board member and Chairman Magister JFT | Juribes

    Joep Mudde

    My name is Joep Midde. I am 22 years old and I am currently in the bachelor Public Administration. This year I have the honour to be the chairman of Magister JFT | Juribes. This entails that I have the responsibility to make sure that everything runs smoothly in the chamber. Next to that I coordinate the Podcastcommittee and the Seniorcommittee. Also, we as a board organise a variety of activities, both social and professional. Finally, I am part of the General Board of
    Magister JFT, in which we discuss things that concern the whole association.

  • afbeelding van Global Law

    General Board member and Chairman Magister JFT | Global Law

    Megan Du Plessis

    As the Chairman of Magister JFT | Global Law my focus is on all Global Law students at TLS. Together with my board and our committees, we organise all kinds of events, from social to academic and from professional to personally-developing; there is something for everyone! As the Chairman I am responsible for the functioning of the board and its organisations, while also coordinating one of our committees and, additionally, also taking position in the General Board of the association on behalf of the Global Law chamber. Being Chairman of the board of Magister JFT | Global Law means working hard, but also meeting a lot of new people, developing on a social and professional level and learning many things that are not in the regular study programs!

  • afbeelding van Justitia

    General Board member and Chairman Magister JFT | Justitia

    Thijn van den Wittenboer

    As Chairman of Magister JFT | Justitia, the Chamber of Law and Business Law, I am responsible for my Justitia board and the committees under it. They take care of the actual organisation of the activities, which I, as Chairman, obviously have to oversee. My duties mainly consist of leading meetings within the Chamber and coordinating my board. I also take a seat on the General Board of Magister JFT, where, together with the rest, I ensure that the association runs at the top of its game.

  • afbeelding van Vrijspraak

    General Board member and Chairman Vrijspraak, Student Party of Magister JFT

    Max Mennen

    Vrijspraak is a student party which represents students’ needs within TLS as their main responsibility. In practice representing students means that we support the Faculty Council and the Program Commitees. In order to stimulate the communication between the student participatory organisations within TLS we organise Open Party Meetins which I, as chairman, have to lead. I also keep in close contact with several other student parties and student participatory organisations within TLS. Finally as chairman I carry responsibility for the board meetings. We are part of Magister and have a say in what happens within the association. As the chairman I have a seat in the General Board which means I carry responsibility for decisions concerning the entire association. 
