

Magister JFT | Juribes

Magister JFT | Juribes is the chamber for all students of Public Administration and Public Governance & Strategy at Tilburg Law School. This chamber acts as the link between students and the university. Moreover, the chamber organizes both formal and informal activities, approached from various perspectives, such as the professional field, society, and the study itself.

This is primarily facilitated by committee members who, together with the board members, form an active base within Magister JFT.


It has now been almost 40 years since the study association Juribes – the chamber for Public Administration and Public Governance – was founded on March 7, 1985. Through a study association, students could better advocate for their interests, and there was also a growing need for an association for students of Legal Public Administration, enabling them to organize and attend both formal and informal activities. The name 'Juribes' is derived from the Dutch translation of the name of the program, Legal Public Administration; Juridisch Bestuurskunde. Over time, the Dutch name of the program changed to 'Bestuurskunde', and the English-taught program Public Governance also became part of the chamber.

In 2002-2003, the De Ridder Committee report was published, which proposed merging all the small study associations at Tilburg Law School into one large study association, leading to the establishment of the Tilburg Law Faculty Association, better known as Magister JFT. The founding of Magister JFT meant that the Public Administration association would henceforth be considered a chamber of Magister JFT.


Are you interested in an internship in the field of public administration? Visit the Canvas page of Magister JFT | Juribes or send an email to commissarisexternjuribes@magisterjft.nl. For other questions about committees or other Juribes-related matters, you can email juribes@magisterjft.nl.

  • Boards Interest Lunch

    in progress until 3:00 PM uur

    TLS Living Room M Building

    • Magister JFT Central
  • Halfjaarlijkse Openbare Vergadering Magister JFT | Justitia

    today from 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM

    CUBEz 216

    • Justitia
  • Tour de Zuidas, georganiseerd door Magister JFT | Justitia

    12 February 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM

    Zuidas Amsterdam

    • Justitia
    • Career
    • Study
  • Masternight Juribes

    13 February 7:30 PM until 9:30 PM

    Vos en de Craen

    • Juribes
    • Study
    • Career
  • De toekomstbestendige jurist: De ontwikkelingen van AI in het recht

    20 February 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM

    CUBE z216

    • Justitia
    • Study
  • Interesselijst: Nationale Snelpleitwedstrijden 2025

    06 March 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM

    Marga Klompé Gebouw | Tilburg University

    • Magister JFT Central
    • Career
    • Study
