External Committees

External Committees

Alumni Committee

The Alumni Committee organises an annual activity for the alumni (former members of the party). This committee is only open to alumni.

Best Teacher Elections Committee

Every year, the Best Teacher Elections Committee organises an election in which all teachers at Tilburg Law School get the chance to be named the best teacher of that academic year in different categories.

Complaint Box Committee

The Complaint Box Committee deals with complaints from students at Tilburg Law School. The committee will contact the relevant teacher of the course and/or someone from the Program Committees to resolve the complaint. You can contact the Complaint Box Committee via complaintbox@magisterjft.nl.

International Assist Commissie

The International Assist Committee is a collaboration between Vrijspraak and Magister JFT | Global Law, with the goal of assisting and supporting all international students at TLS in various aspects. Students can seek help with general matters related to living in the Netherlands or studying. Additionally, the committee organizes various opportunities for students to meet each other and provide feedback on participation and studying in Tilburg.

  • The Vrijspraak 'Huifkar' Cantus

    18 September 7:00 PM until 9:30 PM

    Louis Bouwmeesterplein

    • Vrijspraak
    • Sociaal
  • Kantoorbezoek Boels Zanders

    19 September 1:30 PM until 5:00 PM

    Boels Zanders

    • Justitia
    • Career
    • Study
  • City Crawl

    24 September 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM

    Café Brandpunt

    • Global Law
    • Vrijspraak
    • Social
  • Eerstejaars Activiteit Juribes

    26 September 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM

    Wordt nog aangekondigd

    • Juribes
  • Landelijk Voetbaltoernooi met Zusjes Verenigingen

    27 September 12:30 PM until 9:00 PM

    V.V. Odin Utrecht

    • Social
    • Magister JFT Central
