

  • afbeelding van Bestuur IX

    Bestuur 9 der Magister JFT | Global Law

    Megan du Plessis – Voorzitter

    Ilinca Tatar – Secretaris 

    Klara Strack – Penningmeester 

    Cornélie Koguciuk – Commissaris Externe Betrekkingen

    Valentina el Arfaoui – Commissaris PR

  • afbeelding van Voorzitter


    Megan du Plessis

    My name is Megan du Plessis, I am 21 years old and currently in my third year of the Global Law bachelor. After being an active member within the Introduction Committee at Magister JFT | Global Law, and then organising the International Day during the Legal Business Days, I now have the honour of fulfilling the position of Chairman on Board XI of Magister JFT | Global Law. As Chairman, I am responsible for the functioning of the board, where I also organise a number of different events, ranging from social to professional.

    Next to this, I am coordinator of the International Assist Committee. This committee aims to help international students to integrate themselves into life in Tilburg. As the Chairman I also take a seat in the General Board of Magister JFT, and in that way I represent the Global Law chamber and its members within the entire association. My function means working hard and being organised and responsible, but also having a lot of fun and learning many new things.

  • afbeelding van Secretaris


    Ilinca Tatar

    My name is Ilinca Tatar, I am 20 years old and currently in my second year of the Global Law bachelor. This year I am delighted to be the Secretary of Magister JFT| Global Law. This means I am responsible for administrative tasks. These administrative tasks entail replying to emails, taking notes during our board meetings, typing out the minutes and finalising the documents.

    I will also be coordinating the Academic Committee and Human Rights Committee. The Academic Committee organises events that help the Global Law students with their studies but also with the development of their soft skills. The Human Rights Committee organises debate nights as a medium for open discussion regarding these issues.

  • afbeelding van Penningmeester


    Klara Strack

    Hi, my name is Klara Strack. I am 20 years old and currently a third year Global Law bachelor student. This year, following a year as an active member in the Introduction Committee, I have the honour of being the Treasurer of Magister JFT | Global Law. This means I will be responsible for the finances of our chamber, for example by setting the budget and keeping track of expenses throughout the year.

    As part of my role as board member and treasurer, I also coordinate the Excursions Committee. This involves assisting my committee members in organising trips aligned with the academic and professional interests of the Global Law student body

  • afbeelding van Commissaris Externe Betrekkingen

    Commissaris Externe Betrekkingen

    Cornélie Koguciuk

    My name is Cornélie Koguciuk, I am 21 years old and I am in my third year of the Global Law bachelor. This year I have the pleasure of being the External Relations Commissioner of Magister JFT | Global Law. This means that I am in charge of our chamber’s relationship with external parties such as associations, firms, and companies.

    Additionally, as a part of my role, I coordinate the Career Committee, where we organise different kinds of professional events for the students such as AlumNight or MastersNight.

  • afbeelding van Commissaris PR

    Commissaris PR

    Valentina el Arfaoui

    My name is Valentina El Arfaoui, I am 20 years old and currently in my third year of the Global Law bachelor. Last year I was an active member in the editorial committee of Magister JFT | Global Law. This year I’m happy to say that I will be the PR commissioner for Magister JFT | Global Law.

    As well as this, I will also be coordinating the Editorial Committee and the Introduction Committee. The Editorial Committee publishes roughly one editorial per semester where we look at current topics that may interest Global Law students, as well as helpful articles such as interviews with teachers. The Introduction Committee hosts social events for members to join and get to know each other!
